Week 4: Cabin in the Woods

When the movie Cabin in the Woods came out back in 2012, I remember watching it in high school thinking that it was just the typical horror movie not realizing that it was part of a sub-genre called “new weird”. Watching it now after all these years, the storyline is actually better because I now know what the goal of the film was as opposed to just thinking they couldn’t decide what they wanted so they threw things from every horror movie ever together and called it a day.

At first, when you meet the characters you immediately see that they are all extreme stereotypes of people in horror movies; the jock, the dumb blonde, the stoner, the academic, and the virgin. You don’t know until the end that they were all chosen because they were to be sacrificed to ancient gods because of the stereotypes. Because the movie is very typical of horror movies when they break the screen to show a company watching them and taking bets on what is going to happen you’re left confused on how the company is connected to this group of people and how are they going to survive.

The idea of the group of friends choosing their fate from every single horror villain out there is an interesting concept especially when you’re introduced to them in the end. The scene where they’re in the elevator and you understand how they got attacked by zombies instead of the other villains is probably my favorite because you see how many thousands of options there were. This movie definitely plays into the weird category with the flipping back between the company and the friends as well as the motive the company had for plotting against the group of friends. I overall like the movie so much more now that I’m older and would see more movies in this genre.


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